A Year in Review

A few nights ago, on Twitter, I was reflecting on some of the work we did on The Heinemann Podcast in 2017. The podcast is still a new space for us to learn in, we…

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The Heinemann Podcast — a conversation on racism

For almost a year now I’ve had the honor to host (and produce) The Heinemann Podcast. This week we shared a conversation on dismantling racism in education. These are not easy conversations, but with these…

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Snapchat for Journalists

As of June 2016, Snapchat users are creating roughly 10 billion videos a day, (according to Snapchat’s information) and they’ve passed Twitter as the number two social media channel (via more active daily users). If…

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Advice for Doing Facebook Live

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How to make sure you don’t miss a Facebook live from your favorite page

Seems like everyone is doing a Facebook Live these days, but I hear from people all the time wondering why they can’t see their favorite page going live? This video will walk you through how…

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