Do we need or even want a Facebook phone?

While some in the technology industry had been buzzing about a Facebook phone for more than a year, is there any actual demand for it among Facebook users?

While it’s been talked about between social media and tech people, it’s one of those things that I’ve never really seen the average Facebook user say they want.

What they have said is that we need a better mobile experience. The Facebook app on both Android and Apple devices has long been a frustrating app. While I like the idea of the “skin”, I don’t see why it couldn’t have been just a better, stronger app instead of an entire phone.

That said, I think there are some good ideas in there, I love the idea of having your friends images in place of the icons for the apps with the feature chat heads. I also like the “cover feed” feature which seems to me like an interactive slide show. My worry there is more advertisements and possibly having an annoying or innappropriate image sitting there for too long. The notifications feature is also helpful. You get to swipe away anything you’re not ready to look at yet.

We should be clear too that all of your other apps are easily accessible too through the app launcher. This is where you would go back into the normal operating system of the phone.

As of April 12th only about five Android devices will be able to download the “home” skin from the Google Play store: HTC One, HTC One X, Samsung Galaxy S III, Galaxy Note II, and the Galaxy S4. Also on April 12th the HTC First will be released which is designed around the Facebook phone idea. It will be available for AT&T users and will cost $99. Tablets can see this feature later in the year.

If you’re a big Facebook user, and you’re looking for a device, like an iPod touch, that really only does one social media, then this is the device for you. I see people who would want this, but not big of a crowd as maybe Facebook thinks.

Originally posted here:
